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04.19.2004 - 5:29 p.m.

Last night in Thailand.

I don't think anything could be more exciting than getting on a plane and heading back to the USA tommorrow. Me and Noah talked about what we would say when people asked us what Thailand was like and we couldn't come up with anything.

Yes, Thailand was probably the most exciting trip that I've ever been on in my life, but like all trips, it had it's ups and downs. We both learned valuable lessons about taking things for granted and valuing what we have, both most of all we learned how much we truly do love each other.

Lately we've been holding hands walking down the street not even caring what people may think about us. You se, that's the thing about me and Noah; we don't care about what others think.

Overall I love Thailand, and I'll miss it. It has touched a part deep inside of me that I ddn't realize until now. We have some good memories of this country and I'll never forget them. Our next adventure is coming soon. Portland, OR.


Policeman. Fan Room. Peachy Guesthouse. Calypso Cabaret. New Backpack. Tuk-Tuk. Wats. Nat. Coffee Society. The Malls. The Bad Thai Food. The Bus To Phuket. The Toilets. The Thief On The Bus. Lenolds The Squirrel. Crown Hostel. McDonalds. Walk On The Beach. Sunburn. Boat Bar. "Love You All Night". Bad Skin. Boat Tour. Ko Phi Phi. Maya Bay. Scuba Diving. Walk To Beach. Noah's Sickness. Stomach Cramps. Stinky Bus. Ko Phangan. Bungalow. Dead Bird. Sating & Yurk. Full Moon Party. Liquor Buckets. Dancing On Furniture. Pissing In The Ocean. Motorbike. Pattaya. Ripleys. Dawn Of The Dead. Boyz Town. Dancing. Drag Queens. Songkran. Swasdee Bungalow. Our Last Night. Bangkok. Ko Sahn Road. Souvenirs. Gold Class Movie. Model Pictures. Goodbyes.

::..updated by stephen..::



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